Relationship Counselling
An attachment-informed approach to couples therapy.

When I meet with a couple, my assumption is that at least one or both parties are looking for ways to make their relationship more secure, robust, and passionate but they can't agree on a way forward.​ 

​Even if both​ ​partners ​have the best of intentions when it comes to their relationship, they may find that their partner's perception of them is misguided. At times like this, the couple longs for meaningful conversations about issues that can be loaded with shame and painful memories. These are subjects that may have become impossible to resolve on their own despite their greatest efforts.​

The search for an agreed upon road map can be tiring, overwhelming, and, paradoxically, can even result in ​more ​conflict.​ ​​As a relationship counsellor, I provide you with the opportunity to address these issues in a safe, supportive, and facilitated setting.​ The focus in couple’s therapy is on preserving and enhancing the relationship rather than a focus on individual happiness. 

I am of the belief that couples who are committed to the 'practice' of their relationship will benefit from this experience if they are open to learning new skills while being introspective and open-minded. However, if remaining together is harmful to one or both partners, the focus will be on facilitating an amicable separation. 
If you would like to talk about how Yuval can support you through your current situation, please get in touch.
#224 - 1628 W 1st Ave
Vancouver , BC, V6J 1G